Friday, April 19, 2013
global warming has been such a big thing in the world today because of the years of pollution to the world. scientist are trying to come up with ways to save the world pretty much and fix the global warming issues for the humans and the animals. the things that they are doing is trying to get people to go green which is to use organic things and reuse recycle so we wont be killing a lot trees and stuff it seems to be a big epidemic and working out for the people of america.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
so after traditional religion was modernized fundamentalism which is a militant piety defensive, assertive, and exclusive that took shape to some extent in every major religious traditions. having a scientific out view changed peoples perspectives on abortion and homosexuality sexuality rights. still today homosexuality right and abortion rights are controversial because in the churches eye its a sin but the government is suppose to be about the people and so no matter what is in the bible the people feel that they should have a right to have an abortion if they want or marry the same sex. so after the Islamic government went to a more western government they were mad and felt like the only way to get back on track was to go back to their original political ways.
Monday, April 15, 2013
it still amazed me today that women black and white had to really fight for rights as if they from some weird planet as if they were not human like men and as if they aren't smarter than men. i think the fight for women rights is one of my favorite parts of history because as a women it is amazing hearing the stories and reading the books about the oppression they were under how they fought to be liberated and let the world know as women they had something to say. though feminism was of a different degree all over the world women still fought for their rights
Friday, April 12, 2013
globalization is the process of expanding social things world wide. globalization is not just for one thing or one situation is for a multitude of things from money to goods and services to religion and ideas. now information is spread much faster because of social media , because the core or the base of our communication skills or norms got globalized and with that came better ways to communicate. even transportation was once globalized from people with horses to trains, cars, and buses. the globalizing process affects the business and work organization, economics, social-cultural resource, and the natural environment.
Monday, April 8, 2013
putins challenge
when reading this article it made me thinks of 911 and how the victims and the victims families protested when some Muslims wanted to build a mosque near ground zero and how they felt it was disrespecting the people that the Muslims killed they wanted President Obama to get involved and all that. though president Obama didn't get involved because one this is a free country and if they own that land they can build what they want on it. since Putin is not president Obama and has a choice in the matter of what to do about building on top of a cemetery where people died in tragedy. i feel like he should move the Olympics even though i know that the Olympics is a big thing for any country but its just one event that should not offend or get your country people in an uproar.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Dolores Huerta
dolores huerta is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, co-founded the National Farm workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers', immigrants', and womens right, including the Eugene V. Debs Foundation Outstanding American Award, the United States Presidential Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and the Presidential Medal for Freedom. As a role model to many in the Latin community, Huerta is the subject of many corridors (ballads) and murals. Most people thinks she's only for the cause for latinos but really she is for all minorities she just got recognized for her work with latinos.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
post colonial africa and asia
so under the European government Africa and Asia were allowed to do what they wanted and was able to express them selves freely which was why they were so open to being apart of that government. after a while they wanted to be free of the European government. the Indians and south Africa had the hardest time breaking away from the white political government. India because it was the first place to do it and Africa because it wasn't really a colony, which i found odd because they are so close together. so British ruling and the Indian beliefs were different because the British didn't accept different races and different cultures. south Africa freedom struggle was kind of complicated because they were free from European government but the freedom wasn't given to them it was like they had to be still ran under a white man. so the big thing with freeing south Africa was was it worth it for both sides like are they going to grow economicly are they going to have materials we don't or what...
Monday, April 1, 2013
cold war
western was communist voluntarily and the east was made to communist. a lot of countries in Asia were turned into communist. it was called the cold war because it was very little weapons and death also the U.S and the USSR never aimed at each other. during this cold war there was a hot war between Vietnam and Korea. no one won because most of the countries are still communist countries which means the war was pointless. military industrial complex which is companies that are involved in making war materials. its a big controversy because they don't want the companies to paid off by other countries to make them bigger better stuff or to turn against their own country. i think its a good thing that we have our own companies to make our stuff i think the companies should be watched closely so they wont get ideas.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
nine key themes of catholic social teaching
so chapter 5 is mainly about giving back to the needy and that everyone should have good material things and not just certain fortunate people. I agree that the wealth should be spread to everyone like if you have enough money to spend on material things that wont mean anything later you could be donating that money to someone that really needs it. i also agree with no doing expropriate because i feel that no one should get their property taken from them, like today in america their is so many people that has gotten their homes taken from then by the governments and banks its just fair. as far as workers rights it has come a long way from workers not having no rights at all to now we have rights to call in sick and still come back to a job and we can also report our bosses if something bad happens while on the job, we also get paid well to do the jobs we have, well most of us.
Monday, March 25, 2013
the author made it seem like communism doesn't exits any more but really it does in China and Russia. socialist was more accepted than communist which is weird because neither form of government isn't fair. Russia government rose fast in 1917 at first Russia was agricultural and then a man names Karl Marx had an idea which caused them to be communist. Europe as usual wanted Russia resources so there for communism spread fast. unlike Russia it took china a long time to conform to communism because of how large their agriculture was. they had a passive aggressive attitude towards women rights which just started to change really because even thought women had rights people still treated them different or felt they couldn't do much so they weren't good for nothing.
Friday, March 22, 2013
part 6 and chapter 21
from reading the of part 6 it seems that history pretty much repeats it self. like the communist government came from German intellectual Karl Marx. so in chapter 20 it seems france messed up thier connection with australia and germany they killed the heir of austrialla thinking they werent going to do anything but little did they know they had the german military behind them. after the world war one america became really broke and went through a great depression which is kind of what we are going through now with people being out of work, inflation, but the only difference is that back then it was after the war and now it during a war. so Europe felt that condemning individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary, communism, and democracy shows weakness. i think that's crazy that's what makes a country great for their citizens.
Monday, March 18, 2013
chapter 20 607-614
in this chapter i find it interesting how people back then found education like reading and writing so important and that meant you were of good status and in today's society it was like natural for people to go to school and read and write its like a way of life. i also find it interesting that the Europeans were big on science and teaching the Indians yet today the Asians rank high in science. i honestly don't understand why people back then wanted to push Christianity on people so much like their was a point were Christianity wasn't excepted, so why did they feel that all races had to be christian. Africans at some point tried to get their culture back after being corrupted by the Europeans and then had to tell people the difference between the difference between them and Egyptians tough they are all from Africa they are from different parts and tribes.
Friday, March 15, 2013
strayer chapter 20 589-606
this chapter is pretty much about how colonies where trying to take over each other. i find it interesting that the Europeans preferred informal control, because the it was cheaper and less likely to provoke wars because they had to no issue taking the land they were on they took over it with no problem so its like they were being cowards they only take land that they can take over easily. I find it so sad that the British soldiers burned all the Africans huts and down and the burned all the people up like really where were their morals and values and hearts. I also find it messed up that the Indian military tried to convert Muslim to be christian by putting pork on stuff disrespecting their faith i don't understand why they couldn't just except their religion and take over the country. i think a very big part of why Africa is so poor today is because all the other countries always took from them and they never got to profit off their own assets.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
marxism and social classes
so instead of slave and slave owner the freed and the non freed. social class begun where middle class was bourgeoisie and working class was proletariat which is low class. the bourgeoisie owned all the manufacture industry factories and the proletariat worked for them. the bourgeoisie had the working class working in a bad work condition. such as bad health conditions. there was no job security they could fire you at any time for any thing if they felt you were no longer needed. tools uses were dangerous and there was no safety measures to ensure the life of the workers. there were no emergency exists or windows so they were breathing in all the fuels and smoke that the machines were giving off even though it was harmful. so like usual you cant keep the oppressed down because they turned on them and rioted and refused to work under those conditions. like today's society though there are rules and worker laws some people still are oppressed and ran by the 3% and we riot banks and other things to get what we want though it hasn't really worked we try.
Friday, February 15, 2013
industrial revolution
he asked was the industrial revolution a curse for mankind? don't think it was it was a change for us and we needed it. going back to the echoes that we were talking and reading about last week the industrial revolution was an echo of the scientific revolution because the application of science to production. it also increased speed and volume. the industrial revolution changed they way we work. it caused urbanization. we lived in small houses with lots of people. then if we worked in the city we had to live there away from our families. he also says it cause alienation people weren't really into about their work. urbanization caused unsanitary actions in the town they threw garbage in the street and in the water. which actually still happens today in New York.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
SND founders week
the founders of SND is Julie Billiart and Francois Blin. they came from two different parts of life Julie was uneducated but she and Francois came from an high class family. though they came from different life styles they had one thing in common which was having religious beliefs and wanting to give back. though Francois was taught to be more so a house wife and a mother she wanted to do more than that she wanted to devote her life to the lord and help others at and that is where her and Julie have a strong bond and belief. also though Julie had obstacles in her way by being paralyzed she still went and helped people in need and out. i commend the sisters for one wanting to be nuns because a lot of girls these days don't want to be nuns and devote their life's to the lord because they think its like giving up their life but they don't realize that there are rewards with being a nun and the rewards may not be tangible but spiritual.
echoes of revolution chapter 17(507-524)
the Haitian revolution was awesome! it was inspired by equality and french revolution. slaves joining together fighting for their freedom, and they won. it really amazes me that Americans tried to enslave a race twice after not being able to succeed the first time. not just not being able to succeed but after being turned on by their slaves in such an outrageous have always felt at the top of the latter on the power latter. even when the constitution says "all men are equal" i literally meant all men not women and especially it meant white men not men of color, but back to men they have always felt superior to women. the women movement was a big thing because it wasn't just white women or black women, it was women in general. men acted as if women weren't people as well, like they were just object and didint deserve equal rights to do what they want. the french revolution sparked lots of things so i guess there was good out of it.
Monday, February 4, 2013
chapter 17 (504-507)
so from reading this basically the whole war began because someone drew up the declaration of the rights of man citizen, which said that men are born and remain free and equal in rights. that is so stupid i mean really. to me it seems that its pretty much whats going on today with the people and the government. lower and middle class people are paying much more and upper class people and the lower and middle class people are trying to figure out why is that when the upper class people clearly has more money than me. its makes absolutely no since. the attack of the castle is kind of similar to the occupy wall street protest that a lot of people were doing around the U.S. After reading this is you can say the saying is right history repeats it self.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
chapter 17 (491-504)
so in this chapter the person or people that first made the map placed Europe in the middle of the map while Asia was split which was obviously not correct but in there heads since Europe was the more dominating country at the time it should be in the middle. though Europe had a short moment in the world like other countries. Europe made a big impact during their short moment, they dominated the Indian ocean,they brought the native Americans diseases, Europe's scientific revolution drew upon earlier Islamic science and was stimulated by the massive amount of new information. the ideas that animated the Atlantic revolution inspired other countries to change their policies voting, equality for women. in the end the american revolution was fought for america to have freedom from the British which the got but then the freedom was only subject to white people and they kept black people slaved.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
science (477-488)
copernicus, galileo, descarets, and newton plus others started battling the science and religion. surprisingly Islam generated the most advanced science so there. I find it surprisingly because Islam seems to have such strong beliefs. after it was introduced to the Europeans it evolved and became a belief of some people but religion never died. even today there are some people that believe that science is the way things work because they see the experiments and others think that god created everything. so its a touchy subject.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
chapter 16 (461-477)
The debate between science and religion is quit interesting and complicated because of course science is science and it has fact and religion is fully based on faith and a book that is man made. it seems after Christianity was accepted by people it was a very dominate religion even today there is more Christians than any other religion in the U.S. The church ran everything it mixed religion with political which i feel should never happen i mean in today's world politics are always dirty wrong and a lot of lying and as a christian you should not lie its a sin even though we do it and get forgiven for it politics and religion should still never mix. i also find it interesting that the Martin Luther's of the world made such big changes. Its also great how slaves could adopted a religion in a new place they were brought to and couldnt even speak the language but really believe and trust in this religion as it was also used to justify what was being done to them.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
chapter 15 (449-458)
Americans have always felt entitled to things that wasn't there's. even the land they live on wasn't originally theirs. They stole it from the native Americans. so the slave trade shouldn't be a big surprise them stealing people from another country to do their work. seeing the fact that I'm black the whole slavery thing bothers me even though I've been hearing about my whole life. I mean its like what type of people steal pretty much a whole race of people and make them work with no pay beat them and try to turn them against each other and then blame it on the bible or god and sleep well at night. then after they got us over here worked us to death and split us up from our families we got freed from them then they want to send us back to Africa. as if we want to go back or we don't deserve a piece of land here or at least pay. slavery was just a horrible unjust thing of the many that happen in america that i feel sometimes get downplayed or over looked.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Global Commerce 433-448
this country didn't value other human beings for a long time, and they still don't to this day because there is still slavery today just in a different form. the Atlantic slave trade was the beginning of it all. though this part isn't truly about the slave trade i just thought id throw that in there. this was mainly about the trade between countries. they traded things like cinnamon, nutmeg,mace,cloves, and pepper which was a big thing in asia. theses spices unlike today were big in the trade all the countries were trying to spices and make some of their own.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
sweet nexus:sugar and the origins of the modern world
this story about sugar is very interesting seeing the fact that now a days sugar is not that big of a deal now and then it was such a big deal. I found it interesting that Greeks were the first to encounter sugar in north western India in the fourth century. the names that it was called was quit interesting as well like the Europeans called it "honey from reeds" what ever that means haha. I'm also surprised that sugar was popular in china because their foods are really health, but it was only with the Muslim expansion after the seventh century that sugar became important. Like i said before sugar isn't that big of a deal now but back then sugar was a luxury good introduced to markets of western Asia and Europe in the later middle ages;plantations were established near the Persian Gulf and on Mediterranean islands such as Cyprus and Sicily. All the letters and things made about sugar I found kind of out outrageous because I mean really its just sugar, but I'm happy Fredrick Douglass gave recognition for their good taste. The connection between slavery and sugar was deep and kind of angry it went all the way to the nineteenth century until it ended.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
chapter 14 strayer pg 417 430
In this chapter I learned while the the american empire was being built Russia was on top and taking shape. Russia brought Germans Ukraine Belorussians and Baltic people into their empire. Russian authorities demanded an oath of allegiance by which native people swore "eternal submission to the grand tsar". Americas devastating apediatrics accompanied conquest, particularly in the more remote regions of Siberia the local people has the pox and measles. the wealth of an empire played a big role in making Russia on of the great powers of Europe in the 18th century. China build an empire with non Chinese people.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Strayer chapter 14 pg 403-417
in this chapter we learn that Columbus wasn't as awesome as we've always been taught. it is also about how the Europeans change helped change other societies and the Europeans pretty much ran everything.
introduction to part 4
My thoughts on the introduction to part four is that it will be interesting to get into the modern era and how there was a conflict on what it should be called and how when it started it was unexpected that the Europeans would be the center of it and it would spread from continent to continent.
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