Wednesday, March 27, 2013

nine key themes of catholic social teaching

so chapter 5 is mainly about giving back to the needy and that everyone should have good material things and not just certain fortunate people. I agree that the wealth should be spread to everyone like if you have enough money to spend on material things that wont mean anything later you could be donating that money to someone that really needs it. i also agree with no doing expropriate because i feel that no one should get their property taken from them, like today in america their is so many people that has gotten their homes taken from then by the governments and banks its just fair. as far as workers rights it has come a long way from workers not having no rights at all to now we have rights to call in sick and still come back to a job and we can also report our bosses if something bad happens while on the job, we also get paid well to do the jobs we have, well most of us.

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