Thursday, January 24, 2013

chapter 15 (449-458)

Americans have always felt entitled to things that wasn't there's. even the land they live on wasn't originally theirs. They stole it from the native Americans. so the slave trade shouldn't be a big surprise them stealing people from another country to do their work. seeing the fact that I'm black the whole slavery thing bothers me even though I've been hearing about my whole life. I mean its like what type of people steal pretty much a whole race of people and make them work with no pay beat them and try to turn them against each other and then blame it on the bible or god and sleep well at night. then after they got us over here worked us to death and split us up from our families we got freed from them then they want to send us back to Africa. as if we want to go back or we don't deserve a piece of land here or at least pay. slavery was just a horrible unjust thing of the many that happen in america that i feel sometimes get downplayed or over looked.

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