Wednesday, March 27, 2013

nine key themes of catholic social teaching

so chapter 5 is mainly about giving back to the needy and that everyone should have good material things and not just certain fortunate people. I agree that the wealth should be spread to everyone like if you have enough money to spend on material things that wont mean anything later you could be donating that money to someone that really needs it. i also agree with no doing expropriate because i feel that no one should get their property taken from them, like today in america their is so many people that has gotten their homes taken from then by the governments and banks its just fair. as far as workers rights it has come a long way from workers not having no rights at all to now we have rights to call in sick and still come back to a job and we can also report our bosses if something bad happens while on the job, we also get paid well to do the jobs we have, well most of us.

Monday, March 25, 2013


the author made it seem like communism doesn't exits any more but really it does in China and Russia. socialist was more accepted than communist which is weird because neither form of government isn't fair. Russia government rose fast in 1917 at first Russia was agricultural and then a man names Karl Marx had an idea which caused them to be communist. Europe as usual wanted Russia resources so there for communism spread fast. unlike Russia it took china a long time to conform to communism because of how large their agriculture was. they had a passive aggressive attitude towards women rights which just started to change really because even thought women had rights people still treated them different or felt they couldn't do much so they weren't good for nothing.

Friday, March 22, 2013

part 6 and chapter 21

from reading the of part 6 it seems that history pretty much repeats it self. like the communist government came from German  intellectual Karl Marx. so in chapter 20 it seems france messed up thier connection with australia and germany they killed the heir of austrialla thinking they werent going to do anything but little did they know they had the german military behind them. after the world war one america became really broke and went through a great depression which is kind of what we are going through now with people being out of work, inflation, but the only difference is that back then it was after the war and now it during a war. so Europe felt that condemning individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary, communism, and democracy  shows weakness. i think that's crazy that's what makes a country great for their citizens.

Monday, March 18, 2013

chapter 20 607-614

in this chapter i find it interesting how people back then found education like reading and writing so important and that meant you were of good status and in today's society it was like natural for people to go to school and read and write its like a way of life. i also find it interesting that the Europeans were big on science and teaching the Indians yet today the Asians rank high in science. i honestly don't understand why people back then wanted to push Christianity on people so much like their was a point were Christianity wasn't excepted, so why did they feel that all races had to be christian. Africans at some point tried to get their culture back after being corrupted by the Europeans and then had to tell people the difference between the difference between them and Egyptians tough they are all from Africa they are from different parts and tribes.       

Friday, March 15, 2013

strayer chapter 20 589-606

this chapter is pretty much about how colonies where trying to take over each other. i find it interesting that the Europeans preferred informal control, because the it was cheaper and less likely to provoke wars because they had to no issue taking the land they were on they took over it with no problem so its like they were being cowards they only take land that they can take over easily. I find it so sad that the British soldiers burned all the Africans huts and down and the burned all the people up like really where were their morals and values and hearts. I also find it messed up that the Indian military tried to convert Muslim to be christian by putting pork on stuff disrespecting their faith i don't understand why they couldn't just except their religion and take over the country. i think a very big part of why Africa is so poor today is because all the other  countries always took from them and they never got to profit off their own assets.