Friday, April 19, 2013


global warming has been such a big thing in the world today because of the years of pollution to the world. scientist are trying to come up with ways to save the world pretty much and fix the global warming issues for the humans and the animals. the things that they are doing is trying to get people to go green which is to use organic things and reuse recycle so we wont be killing a lot trees and stuff it seems to be a big epidemic and working out for the people of america.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


so after traditional religion was modernized fundamentalism which is a militant piety defensive, assertive, and exclusive that took shape to some extent in every major religious traditions. having a scientific out view changed peoples perspectives on abortion and homosexuality sexuality rights. still today homosexuality right and abortion rights are controversial because in the churches eye its a sin but the government is suppose to be about the people and so no matter what is in the bible the people feel that they should have a right to have an abortion if they want or marry the same sex. so after the Islamic government went to a more western government they were mad and felt like the only way to get back on track was to go back to their original political ways. 

Monday, April 15, 2013


it still amazed me today that women black and white had to really fight for rights as if they from some weird planet as if they were not human like men and as if they aren't smarter than men. i think the fight for women rights is one of my favorite parts of history because as a women it is amazing hearing the stories and reading the books about the oppression they were under how they fought to be liberated and let the world know as women they had something to say. though feminism was of a different degree all over the world women still fought for their rights

Friday, April 12, 2013


globalization is the process of expanding social things world wide. globalization is not just for one thing or one situation is for a multitude of things from money to goods and services to religion and ideas. now information is spread much faster because of social media  , because the core or the base of our communication skills or norms got globalized and with that came better ways to communicate. even transportation was once globalized from people with horses to trains, cars, and buses. the globalizing process affects the business and work organization, economics, social-cultural resource, and the natural environment.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

putins challenge

when reading this article it made me thinks of 911 and how the victims and  the victims families protested when some Muslims wanted to build a mosque near ground zero and how they felt it was disrespecting the people that the Muslims killed they wanted President Obama to get involved and all that. though president Obama didn't get involved because one this is a free country and if they own that land they can build what they want on it. since Putin is not president Obama and has a choice in the matter of what to do about building on top of a cemetery where people died in tragedy. i feel like he should move the Olympics even though i know that the Olympics is a big thing for any country but its just one event that should not offend or get your country people in an uproar.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dolores Huerta

dolores huerta  is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, co-founded the National Farm workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers', immigrants', and womens right, including the Eugene V. Debs Foundation Outstanding American Award, the United States Presidential Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and the Presidential Medal for Freedom. As a role model to many in the Latin community, Huerta is the subject of many corridors (ballads) and murals. Most people thinks she's only for the cause for latinos but really she is for all minorities she just got recognized for her work with latinos. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

post colonial africa and asia

so under the European government Africa and Asia were allowed to do what they wanted and was able to express them selves freely which was why they were so open to being apart of that government. after a while they wanted to be free of the European government. the Indians and south Africa had the hardest time breaking away from the white political government. India because it was the first place to do it and Africa because it wasn't really a colony, which i found odd because they are so close together. so British ruling and the Indian beliefs were different because the British didn't accept different races and different cultures. south Africa freedom struggle was kind of complicated because they were free from European government but the freedom wasn't given to them it was like they had to be still ran under a white man. so the big thing with freeing south Africa was was it worth it for both sides like are they going to grow economicly are they going to have materials we don't or what...

Monday, April 1, 2013

cold war

western was communist voluntarily and the east was made to communist. a lot of countries in Asia were turned into communist. it was called the cold war because it was very little weapons and death also the U.S and the USSR  never aimed at each other. during this cold war there was a hot war between Vietnam and Korea.  no one won because most of the countries are still communist countries which means the war was pointless. military industrial complex which is companies that are involved in making war materials. its a big controversy because they don't want the companies to paid off by other countries to make them bigger better stuff or to turn against their own country. i think its a good thing that we have our own companies to make our stuff i think the companies should be watched closely so they wont get ideas.