Wednesday, February 20, 2013

marxism and social classes

so instead of slave and slave owner the freed and the non freed. social class begun where middle class was bourgeoisie and working class was proletariat which is low class. the bourgeoisie owned all the manufacture industry factories and the proletariat worked for them. the bourgeoisie had the working class working in a bad work condition. such as bad health conditions. there was no job security they could fire you at any time for any thing if they felt you were no longer needed. tools uses were dangerous and there was no safety measures to ensure the life of the workers. there were no emergency exists or windows so they were breathing in all the fuels and smoke that the machines were giving off even though it was harmful. so like usual  you cant keep the oppressed down because they turned on them and rioted and refused to work under those conditions. like today's society though there are rules and worker laws some people still are oppressed and ran by the 3% and we riot banks and other things to get what we want though it hasn't really worked we try.

Friday, February 15, 2013

industrial revolution

he asked was the industrial revolution a curse for mankind?  don't think it was it was a change for us and we needed it. going back to the echoes that we were talking and reading about last week the industrial revolution was an echo of the scientific revolution because the application of science to production. it also increased speed and volume. the industrial revolution changed they way we work. it caused urbanization. we lived in small houses with lots of people. then if we worked in the city we had to live there away from our families. he also says it cause alienation people weren't really into about their work. urbanization caused unsanitary actions in the town they threw garbage in the street and in the water. which actually still happens today in New York.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SND founders week

the founders of SND is Julie Billiart and Francois Blin. they came from two different parts of  life Julie was uneducated but she and Francois came from an high class family. though they came from different life styles they had one thing in common which was having religious beliefs and wanting to give back. though Francois was taught to be more so a house wife and a mother she wanted to do more than that she wanted to devote her life to the lord and help others at and that is where her and Julie have a strong bond and belief. also though Julie had obstacles in her way by being paralyzed she still went and helped people in need and out. i commend the sisters for one wanting to be nuns because a lot of girls these days don't want to be nuns and devote their life's to the lord because they think its like giving up their life but they don't realize that there are rewards with being a nun and the rewards may not be tangible but spiritual.  

echoes of revolution chapter 17(507-524)

the Haitian revolution was awesome! it was inspired by equality and french revolution. slaves joining together fighting for their freedom, and they won. it really amazes me that Americans tried to enslave a race twice after not being able to succeed the first time. not just not being able to succeed but after being turned on by their slaves in such an outrageous have always felt at the top of the latter on the power latter. even when the constitution says "all men are equal" i literally meant all men not women and especially it meant white men not men of color, but back to men they have always felt superior to women. the women movement was a big thing because it wasn't just white women or black women, it was women in general. men acted as if women weren't people as well, like they were just object and didint deserve equal rights to do what they want. the french revolution sparked lots of things so i guess there was good out of it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

chapter 17 (504-507)

so from reading this basically the whole war began because someone drew up the declaration of the rights of man citizen, which said that men are born and remain free and equal in rights. that is so stupid i mean really. to me it seems that its pretty much whats going on today with the people and the government. lower and middle class people are paying much more and upper class people and the lower and middle class people are trying to figure out why is that when the upper class people clearly has more money than me. its makes absolutely no since. the attack of the castle is kind of similar to the occupy wall street protest that a lot of people were doing around the U.S. After reading this is you can say the saying is right history repeats it self.